I don't know why I'm so addicted to bags in which to carry around my stuff. In part, I supposed, I hate lugging all my minimal daily gear (wallet, phone, assorted keys) on my belt and in my pockets. I'd rather have it conveniently stashed in one bag which I don't have to sit on whenever I perch on a chair. I suppose I also have the sense that a bag renders me somewhat self-contained. If I'm heading out of town for the day, I can keep all the supplies I might need for the day in one handy bag (minimal daily gear, ipod, ipad, pens, paper, water bottle, camera, kleenex, advil...). Even though I rarely venture out into true wilderness, when I carry my own bag of supplies I have a sense that wherever I go I brought a tiny bit of personal space with me. On my day off, I grab my bag of stuff, head out of town and go sit in a coffee shop. I pull out of my bag and set in front of me my phone, a good book and my ipod if it's too noisy. Add a cup of coffee and a muffin and I'm lost in my own little vacation space.
I have so many bags because none of them does the job for me perfectly. Too big. Too small. Holds the ipad well, but not the keyboard. Holds my stuff, but no place for a water bottle. uncomfortable strap. Inconvenient zippers. Not sturdy enough. Each new bag promises to be the perfect container for all my traveling stuff...but they never quite live up to their promises. Some day.