Today Jean and I played a Celtic music concert at a local adult day care so I thought it fitting to post one of our several music stands. We have 5 or six of them. Now, re-purposed as cheap photography light stands, we have a couple of the collapsible metal ones that many of you remember lugging to Junior High band rehearsal. These stands work great as long as they aren't required to hold much more than a few sheets of paper. We have a standard heavy duty stand that you'll find at most concerts and recently acquired 2 or 3 collapsible stands that are a bit more sturdy and useful for our traveling concerts.
Recently, I've taken to preaching from behind a music stand instead of the traditional pulpit - something that would have been far too intimidating for me a decade ago. I suppose whether I'm preaching or playing music, the stand serves the same purpose - to keep me from losing my place and reminding me what I'm supposed to be doing. In the near future I fully expect to have my music and/or sermon notes flashing in front of my eyes from a miniature computer embedded in my glasses. For the near future though, it's sheets of paper and metal music stands that keep my faulty memory from derailing my plans.
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