In college, for a brief time (about 5 minutes) I was an athletic superstar. I won the one and only boomerang competition. I took a just-for-fun course on how to make and throw boomerangs and at the end we had an actual contest and yes... I got the thing to come back to me without knocking myself out. I learned a few things too. Like the scientific principles involved in explaining how a boomerang actually does what it does are way beyond me. Try a wiki answer... I also learned that the original boomerangs weren't built to return. Returning boomerangs are more for recreation. And they are wonderfully entertaining, especially watching someone else!
Anyway, these are a couple of my boomerangs that I keep around. You might want to check out a couple of Aussies trying to get the boomerang to circle back and knock a water bottle of their head. That's something you ought to try!
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