One year in college, my roommate and I had fish. One was named "lucky" and the other "unlucky." I'll let you guess which one died first. When I got married, I thought it would be a great idea to have fish. There are many good reasons for having pet fish: 1)You don't have to take them for walks. 2)They don't eat much. 3)They're supposed to provide a calming atmosphere. Little did I know that keeping a fish tank clean is almost as bad as keeping track of cat hair and dog slobber. And I wasn't aware of the fact that cats eat fish. And the calming effect of fish only works in proportion to the amount of slime on the walls of the tank.
We tried fish a couple times in our tank and had them for a good while but finally switched to easier pets like dogs, cats and kids. Still...pets teach good lessons: 1)All living things are messy and don't always do what you want them to do. 2)Life is ultimately uncontrollable. 3)I had a third thing in mind but then my dog barked at the door and I lost my train of thought.
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