Sunday, August 18, 2013

Possession #149 - Clerical Robe

In my first church I wore a robe most every week. In my second church I wore it about half the time. A few years ago, I used to wear a robe only on Christmas eve. Now, mostly for weddings and Halloween. Someone once said that one of the most lasting effects of the '60's is the casualization of America...and for the most part, I'm glad. I have no desire to wear coat and tie to work every day like my father did. I love preaching in shirtsleeves. There are moments, at some funerals I attend these days, at which I hanker for a more formally attired decade. But mostly...bring on the khakis and golf shirts...I'm all for it!

More than a robe, I miss the stole. It's not only more decorative and colorful than a robe, but I like its meaning - it symbolizes service to others. This stole was given to me by my wife when I was ordained. It's the one I wear when I really want to impress!

Now all of this professional clothes gather dust in my closet. What would Calvin say?

1 comment:

  1. I sometimes wear only the stole

    As for Calvin --"all things in moderation"
