O.K. so you knew this list of possessions had to include a television...or two...or ten. Actually, television is one category in which our home is rather modest. The average home in the U.S. has more televisions than people in it. We only have one (well...only one that actually works). Unfortunately that one television shrinks every year. I know that because the one I bought 8 years ago shrunk so much that I could hardly see the screen any more and I had to buy a new one. Then that one also shrunk so this year we had to get another one. Each time we buy a slightly bigger one so that it takes longer to shrink. So far that strategy isn't working very well.
I read somewhere that television advertisers spent about 45 billion dollars last year which means that the relative modesty with which I perceive my television habits is a tad overrated. Like everyone else, I assume that I'm immune to the mind-sucking dangers of the airways. But even I have to admit, as I started to watch the 200th season of American Idol the other night, that I might have already lost a few too many brain cells.
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