Thursday, February 28, 2013

Possession #47 - TV Cabinet

O.K. so today we added another possession to our house...a big one. We asked our good friend Steve to make us an oak TV cabinet and he delivered it tonight (thanks Steve!). I must confess that I love things made out of actual wood with real craftsmanship. If I won the lottery I'd fill the house with such home-crafted pieces. For me, I don't mind spending money on something that's beautiful, will outlast our pressed-wood-like-products, and has a connection to friends. Support your local crafts people, artists, and assorted creative folks!


  1. Of course, you'd have to buy a lottery ticket for that to work.

    1. hmmm...good point. Maybe someone else can win the lottery and through the goodness of their heart give me some of it...
