Tonight we're giving in to the addiction that has captured so many..."Downton Abbey." However, we're only on episode 3, season 1...so we've got a lot of catching up to do. By the way, if you haven't seen "Downton Arby's" you really must! So, to honor our night of viewing, I'm featuring our old television tonight. It's been relegated to the basement where it's disconnected from the cable and only useful for video games. However, the game meister is off at school and so the TV only comes to life when he comes home. It took our collective muscles and wills to get this old tube TV into the basement and as far as I'm concerned, it can stay there for the next family who owns the house.
I suppose that one way in which our family has successfully slowed down the onslaught of stuff is that we've never owned more than one television that was actually hooked up to cable. I don't want a television in the bedroom and certainly not in the room where we eat. I suppose that my future self might look back on this and smile knowingly, but at the moment it's where I stand. How often do we really stem the tide of stuff? Not often enough.
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