OK...so I've added a link to a blog entitled, "How Much is Enough?" And Part II of the same blog by David Lose. That's only to ease the guilt from owning so many guitars. So, actually, I've noticed that I only buy one about every 20 years. One of them I got when I was in high school. I bought a couple of them 15 years later (one of those two I've never really used...and it was used). 20 years later, I've acquired another one. And then there's the one that was given to me...so OK that's quite a few.
Is that how it goes with a lot of stuff. It's not as if we start out intending to amass a pile of stuff. It just sort of comes willy nilly. Coupled with an aversion to getting rid of anything, we soon find ourselves wanting to rent another storage unit because our home has become overloaded. Nevertheless...I have a hard time feeling too guilty about too many guitars. Too many John Denver albums...maybe. But guitars...nope. I never felt bad about buying another book for our children. I might have cringed when purchasing the third game system. But books? Nope. Never a twinge of guilt. There are some things that just seem justified in their accumulation. Books and guitars. Yup.
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