The smaller things are, the more they can accumulate unnoticed. This is a good stack of my CD's...but it's not all of them. I know there's some in the car. Some next to my clock radio. Some ensconced in my kids' rooms. Some at work. Some M.I.A. One nice thing about big old albums was that their heft made you aware of their accumulation every time you tried to move them. CD's can move almost effortlessly. Almost...but not as easily as the newest albums I have stored on my ipod and...well, I'm not quite sure where they are. I've heard they're on the "cloud" but I haven't quite gotten used to that idea yet. I think the purpose of the cloud is to make it possible to fill your life with stuff minus the stuff-ness of it.
The up side of cloud storage is that it has a bit of mystery attached to it...and I like mystery. One of our spiritual ancestors talked about God existing in a "Cloud of Unknowing." Is God in the cloud along with my Bruce Springsteen album that I thought I downloaded but can't find it on any of my devices. Maybe when everything's stored in the cloud, our homes will start to downsize...but I doubt it. It's a mystery.
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