Sunday, January 20, 2013

Possession #8 - Futon

Several years ago we bought a futon because we decided to stop torturing our house guests with a diabolical device known as a hide-a-bed. However, any way you look at it, sleeping in someone's living room is a rather awkward proposition. I'm sure that there's been quite an evolution of what people do and don't do in their living rooms. When I was a kid, we had a room called a "den" which was used for most of the activities that I do in my living room today. And nobody has a parlor any more. If you want to read a little essay about living rooms take look here.

The best thing about a futon is that it has a single mattress instead of several cushions which eliminates its ability to suck popcorn, coins and tiny children into the recesses of its inner parts. It's also good on my back.

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